Replace Anything in Video by One-Click

Replace humans, faces, and backgrounds effortlessly using our advanced AI technology.

Built with state-of-art AI technology

Get a better video by Replace

Replace is the most important way to get a better video.


Our cutting-edge AI ensure that video edit are executed with lightning speed. Delivers results in record time, allowing you to meet tight deadlines and stay ahead of the competition.


Efficiency is at the heart of our service. With our AI system, you can perform complex video edits with minimal effort, so you can focus on what truly matters – your creative vision.


Our software guarantees professional-grade results. The advanced technology ensures seamless integration of new elements, preserving the natural look and feel of your videos.


By eliminating the need for expensive hardware and extensive manual editing, our software significantly reduces production costs.

Replace Face, Replace Human, and more...

Swap faces in your videos with incredible accuracy. Ideal for entertainment, marketing, and personalization. Easily replace any person in your video with another individual. Perfect for creating professional content without reshooting.

Replace Advertisement, Replace Text, Replace Background​, Replace Voice.

And more functions are comming ...

AI make anything possible! Join our Discord channel now. It's total free.

Our innovative AI technology allows you to edit videos like never before. Replace any element in your video seamlessly with just one click.

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Awesome Pricing Plan

Introducing flexible and affordable pricing plans for state-of-the-art creative AI model. Whether who you are, we have a plan that fits your needs and budget.


$ 0.00 Per Month


Free forever on Discord

2 videos per day

Video length <= 5s

Resolution <= 640p

Get more free credit by invite friends

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$ 19.90 200 credits


Advance UI in web application

Unlimited videos per day

Unlimited video length

Unlimited video resolution

Can buy more credits

Open Web App

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All useful files are avaliable, like 3D model, fbx, bvh

Blender plugin

Maya plugin

Custom Models

7x24 hours support

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Our Location

The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

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